Building neurotech softwares
for the 2020s

I build for rising startups, entrepreneurs, and businesses

Bring your business idea into an application. Web and Mobile apps for the next generation visionary minds.


I work across with developers, neurotechnologists, entrepreneurs, industrialists, and Angels to build and develop software solutions.



Checkout the latest posts on Software Engineering, Neurotech, and more!

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Metacell - One year reflection on the good and the bad

How to grow as an Engineer over time


D. Gopal Krishna


April 20, 2024

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Why Kubernetes?

k8 taking ttihe industry by storm for cross container communication and security


D. Gopal Krishna


January 19, 2024

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Social Three

In publishing and graphic design, Lorem ipsum is a placeholder text commonly used to demonstrate the visual form of a document or a typeface without relying on meaningful content.


D. Gopal Krishna


January 1, 1970

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Social Two

In publishing and graphic design, Lorem ipsum is a placeholder text commonly used to demonstrate the visual form of a document or a typeface without relying on meaningful content.


D. Gopal Krishna


January 1, 1970

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System Design on Scientific tooling

Crafting Precision and Performance: Exploring the Intricacies of System Design for Advanced Scientific Tooling and Instrumentation


D. Gopal Krishna


January 1, 1970

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Social One

In publishing and graphic design, Lorem ipsum is a placeholder text commonly used to demonstrate the visual form of a document or a typeface without relying on meaningful content.


D. Gopal Krishna


January 1, 1970


My Work experience - working in industry and as independent freelancer.



I work across with developers, neurotechnologists, entrepreneurs, industrialists, and Angels to build and develop software solutions.


Learning and building various Neurotech Solutions.

My goal is to build for the next decade focusing on the intersection of technology and neuroscience. Open to collaborations and partnerships :) Feel free to reach out to me for colab!

dgk.labs is a collection of my work and thoughts. I write about software engineering, building products, AI/ML, neuroscience, and personal growth. I also share my learnings and experiences through my newsletter.
Subscribe to my newsletter to get updates on my latest posts and projects.

Copyright © 2024. Made with ♥ by dgk.labs. Building a package of Neurotech Solutions at neurodgk.